During the initial prenatal visit, risk factors for potential obstetric complications are assessed to allow for the implementation of preventive measures.

initial prenatal visit uses a combination of maternal history and prenatal testing to identify patients at risk for obstetric complications.

Routine prenatal laboratory tests (summary)
Initial prenatal visit • Rh(D) type & antibody screen
• Hemoglobin/hematocrit, MCV, ferritin
• HIV, VDRL/RPR, HBsAg, anti-HCV Ab
• Rubella & varicella immunity
• Urine culture
• Urine dipstick for protein
• Chlamydia & Nisseria PCR (if risk factors are present)
• Pap test (if screening indicated)
24-28 wks • Hemoglobin/hematocrit
• Antibody screen if Rh(D)-negative
• 1-hr 50-g GCT
36-38 wks • Group B Streptococcus rectovaginal culture

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Prenatal testing can be routine (eg, HIV screen, maternal blood typing) or risk based.


Pregnancy and exercise advices

Nutrition in pregnancy advices


Antepartum fetal surveillance

Screening for hemoglobinopathies via hemoglobin electrophoresis during pregnancy is indicated for patients with anemia (hemoglobin <11 g/dL in pregnancy) and a mean corpuscular volume <80 fL.